Tag: Accent Tag.

The words:
-Aunt Ånnt
-Roof rooof
-Route rout
-Wash uash
-Oil ojl
-Theatre theatör
-Iron irun
-Salmon samån
-Caramel karrmel
-Fire fajer
-Water uater
-Sure shur
-Data dejta haha
-Ruin ruun
-Crayon krajon
-New Orleans nju orlans
-Pecan pikan
-Both bouth
-Again a gen
-Probably probly
-Spitting Image spitten imagh
-Alabama alebama
-Lawyer låjer
-Coupon kupån
-Mayonnaise mejonäs
-Syrup sirup
-Pyjamas pijamas
-Caught cåht
-Naturally natrully
-Aluminium aliuminnium
-Envelope envelåp

The Questions:
-What do you call it when you throw toilet paper at a house? halloween haha när du inte får något godis
-What is the bug that curls into a ball when you touch it? dunno igelkott
-What is a bubbly carbonated drink called? i say a lemonade soda
-What do you call gym shoes? sneakers
-What do you say to address a group of people? Hi!
-What do you call the type of spider/insect that has an oval shaped body and very long legs? långben
-What do you call your grandparents? mormor, morfar, farmor, farfar
-What do you call the wheeled contraption you use in a supermarket? trolley
-What do you call it when the rains falls while the sun is shining? good wheather
-What is the thing you change the tv channel with? remoter
jag vet att den här är lite konstig men jag ville prova
Loove Michie <33


Jag kom just på en sak haha! ni har ju inte fått se Isabella aka Bella :
Cd885332f6bf897994a3a25f71933036_large haha look up to the side
Hon ser jätte konstig ut på bilden men var den bild med bäst ljus
Loove Michie <33

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